After some research, it looks like this can be done with Stream Media Source that points to the IP camera. Or within a Media Playlist to build multiple media sources.
In the MediaPlayer, the webcam provides this chunk of code for a capture device:
After even more research and newer versions of Unreal with additional Media tools I wanted to update this:
I want to use real time streaming protocol within a StreamMediaSource node. The IP camera has a login and password that needs to passed in order to create the connection with the camera or cameras based on different IP addresses.
In the Stream Url call within the StreamMediaSource node I use this: rtsp://admin:(password)@
but I get access denied. I am able to Open Network Stream in a windows based VLC media player and it works as expected.
What is the correct cmd call in the Stream URL path to connected the IP camera?
Do I need to sperate the login and stream calls? With the VLC player, there is a "location that include the login information and a title that is only the IP location and port number.