Update! The game is now Live on the App Store!!!
Please give it a try!
Hello Unreal Forums,
I am on the verge of releasing a game called Steelbound Sky. It’s a game which is inspired by traditional shoot’em ups but is combined with a contemporary control scheme.
Rather than taking control of a ship, you are in control of the wind. Wind streams are used to manipulate projectiles or enemies themselves. It’s a game which takes advantage of touch controls rather than trying to retrofit analogue buttons or joysticks on a screen.
Official Trailer:
Some screenshots:

If you wanted to check out some more Trailers or screenshots, here is the official site:
It will soon be out now on the iOS store! I will update this post with the link in the next few weeks.
Since this game is truly built for a tablet experience I recommend that it is played on an iPad. However, it is fully compatible with most iPhones/iPod touches.
A PC version is working pretty well at the moment, and is being considered for release in the future.
This game started off as a group post University Project. However What you see in terms of programming, enemy wave design and UI are all my work . Staring near beginning of last year it was pretty much a 1 man team. Enemy pattern designs, general ideas, environment design/placement, testing and assembling the game together are mostly my solo work. I had to outsource a lot of 3D content and music from places like the Unity store. I was able to do various 2D texture editing task such creating particle effect textures which is generally simpler. So I hope you understand why the art style may not seem that creative; I have a purely game programming background, had to split my time resources into every section of the pipeline and have minimum art skills. But it was interesting to have my hands directly engaged in every aspect of game development.
I’ve been lurking around the UDK epic forums for a while so this place is new to me. I look forward to staying around here to learn and help where I can.
Steelbound Sky Links:
I hope you give it a try soon and enjoy it. Please ask any questions or give any feedback/criticism.
-Witherwood Studios
The Game is now out on the App Store!
Please support the release if you can !!!
A bit of a developer commentary and a play through of a level. So people can get the idea of how it works.
Full List of Update Changes:
-Added new "Fender Forest" level to act as the new 2nd level.
-Added new Replay Mode which allows player's to replay levels that have been beaten already.
-Added Local Highscores for each level. Can be viewed in the main menu, replay menu or during the specific level.
-Added 18 Leaderboards, including one for each level and mode (both standard and Guardian mode)
-Added 30 Achievements
-Added tally for Level score for each level
-Added ability for player's to "end game" and then submit highscores after a continue countdown
-Added option to allow players to play with unlimited continues but with the cost of Less Points awarded.
-Limited continues is now called Arcade Mode, and points are counted as normal.
-Added additional detail for Torched Tombs to assist in defeating the boss.
-Added additional waves to endless mode.
-Level names and Parts will show at the beginning of each level
-Added Material to the Houses on the Main Town
-Added/Modified dynamic emissive textures for several enemies.
-Changed some of the UI backgrounds which should contrast better with the text.
-Added more detail to the tutorial about items, enemies that have been hit and how some curvature is now allowed
-Updated the Sky Surge tutorial to be opaque with the background.
-Increased Wind Length
-Increased time wind stream survives
-Increased curvature of wind stream so players can now draw wide curves by default.
-Increased player Health generally for upgraded health and non upgraded health.
-Doubled amount of health repaired by a Health Drop
-Slowed down heavy projectiles for Juggernaught, HeavyGunner and Steelbug
-Reduced fire rate speed and projectiles speed for Baron and Triton
-Reduced movement speed for Baron, Triton, and Pinbug.
-Increased Lightning strike distance for hitting the Steelbug
-Increased total extension of the Length upgrade
-Increased the point values for many of the harder versions of the enemies
-Added logic to allow defeating the Shield Enemies to be more sensible.
-Fixed lives Bug when entering endless or boss rush mode.
-Fixed issue where city level incorrectly being displayed.
-Fixed issue with Patterns in Endless mode.
-Fixed issue so that Level Bonuses are split between Level Parts.
-Fixed issue where ability buttons were not being shown in Endless and Boss Rush mode.
-Fixed Highscore displayed when using a resolution using black bars in hard mode.
-Fixed issue with unlocking Final Level in Hard Mode.
-Fixed issue where the enemy points would be added even after the town has fallen.
-Fixed some of the blending for materials in Amaranth Sky's so now that level should have it's fauna render smoother.
-Fixed issues with the Swinger enemy movement.
-Spelled "Guardian Mode" properly.
-Moved the time counter in Boss Rush a bit more to the left in order to fit longer times.