Ios size

Hello i made first game and try run it to ios but size to its to big (170 mb) i checked mesh and texture together are some 20 mb + BPs. Are here some tips how can low project size.

These two links are probably the best to get you on your way,

A really good way to make sure extra content doesn’t get cooked without having to really “dig” through it, great first step!
From Unreal docs, although “APK” is in the title, these steps will help reduce the size of any build.

You may already be aware of this, but the iOS builds may have 2 executables for different architectures packaged in them - arm7 and arm64. These will be pulled out by Apple from the IPA you submit and only one will be distributed depending on the users device. You could check the size of the app in the store but even easier is to just open the *.ipa. You can rename the *.ipa file to *.zip and extract the contents as you would any archive. Look for a file named same as your project and no extension, this one will have the executables and you can rename it with *.zip extension and extract to see their sizes.

Additionally, the *.ipa will also contain a *.pak file that you can extract using UnrealPak.exe. UnrealPak is in your Engine/Binaries/<your working OS>/UnrealPak.exe. Use the commandline to run it and provide 3 arguments - the path to the apk, -extract, and output path. The contents will be probably split between a folder with your project’s assets and the engine content assets. You can browse them to help identify what assets to optimize/prune/blacklist - WinDirStat is a useful tool for visualizing this but maybe there are better tools.

Hope this helps! LMK if you get stuck! :slight_smile: