iOS Simulator (Xcode 15) / UE5


I’m trying to use the iOS simulator for quick testing, and I followed the instructions: Using the Xcode iOS Simulator with Unreal Engine projects. | Unreal Engine 5.3 Documentation
Everything is set up correctly, and the build is complete.
When I reach the Xcode step and launch the game on the simulator, I encounter an error during compilation:

clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

I’ve tried different options, including disabling Metal Validation API and setting Build Active Architecture Only to yes.

My builds work on my iOS (mobile/tablet). I’m using Modernized XCode.
It doesn’t provide me with any logs.

What solution can you provide?
Thank you.

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I founded a solution you need to install Unreal Engine 5 in Github.


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