IOS SDK Version

I am using UE 4.27.1 (launcher) on macOS Monterey with Xcode 13.1. A build I made failed the verification process in Transporter because it says the app was made using IOS 13.2 SDK, but requires iOS 14 SDK or later. Where do I configure the usage of the iOS 14 SDK or will I need to use something other than Unreal Engine?

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Did you manage to solve this? I am getting the same error using Unreal Engine 5.01 and XCode 13.3.1 and Monterey. Everything in my settings is set to iOS 15 but transporter app fails my build saying I’m using iOS 14.4 … I contacted apple support but they weren’t helpful saying I needed to contact UnrealEngine support.

Did you get this resolved? I’m on 5.0.3 and have Xcode 13.4.1 but getting the same error.

Any luck solving this issue?