I was told by Epic’s devs that there is currently a bug with remote building for distribution.
Basically it fails to validate the certificate so its fail over to the next certificate, which is probably in your case the developer certificate. Which fails of course.
Hopefully it will be solved in 4.19 but as far as I know it hasn’t fully solved yet.
Btw, they also emphasised that “HIGHLY” recommended to use a Mac for distribution builds (especially for the App Store). Except of this bug, for instance, some of the shaders are compiled on the device instead of precompiled on the computer, which make textures and material look blurred until it finishes… which can be annoying.
I got it to work. You just have to make xcode sign the certificate manually. Now i have yet ANOTHER problem which is apple taking too long (6 or 7 days) to approve my app. It’s still in review to this day for some reason. Man i hate apple…
Tried that too but it didn’t work. Each issue is slightly different because of different setups and versions.
They are probably swamped after the holidays break.
I’ve learned to love them. They require compliance which is not necessarily bad when so many are creating crappy software and hardware.
Please say, which version of Unreal engine and Xcode “Stable” for remote shipping distribution build IOS to Apple store?
My engine version 4.18.1
Xcode 9.2
PC Win 7.
macOS 10.13 High Sierra
And where i can found tutorial for remote shipping?
My problems:
Check dependencies
Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile “Bubbles2” doesn’t include signing certificate .
Code Signing Error: Provisioning profile “Bubbles2” doesn’t match the entitlements file’s value for the get-task-allow entitlement.
Code Signing Error: Code signing is required for product type ‘Application’ in SDK ‘iOS 11.2’
IPP ERROR: RPCCommand MakeApp failed with return code Error_RemoteCertificatesNotFound
PS: I thousand time, again and again do step by step by tutorial in internet, but its does not solve my problems.
Im using the same versions as you (except win 10 which doesn’t matter) what worked for me is that i revoked and deleted all certificates and provisioning profiles ( basically start from the top) but created the certificates and provisioning profiles from xcode itself. Then moves the certificas and provisioning from xcode to my win 10 pc and into my project.
The most important thing is to sign your certificates and provisoning in xcode MANUALLY. Then assign the distripution certificate with the distribution provisioning and BUILD the xcode project.
Thanks. but it did not help me.I have another"warning" from Xcode: unable to build chain to self-signed root for signer “iphone distribution”. And UE gives the same errors