IOS plug in w/ dynamic framework

I have a custom framework wrapped in a plug in and linking/installing with same method as here (UEBuildFramework…th-bundle.html)

My problem is its dropping the .framework in the root app bundle vs inside .app/Frameworks/*

If I zip the framework in the embeddedLibraries structure inside of a Frameworks folder it copies the entire thing successfully but fails to link at compile /deploy time.

If I have both frameworks inside the embeddedFrameworks one inside a Frameworks/ and one at root, it builds but deploys fail because it fails ipa verification (probably because the framework is in a bad path)

Is there a way to do this properly or specify a non root install path for the framework?

Right now I have to hand edit and manually resign to get something usable.

Unfortunately, you can use only official UE4 way to including frameworks (embedded frameworks in PublicAdditionalFrameworks).

I tried it many times but engine is clearing all files before final packaging so it’s not possible to customize it without modifying source code…

I tried it for two days and found a solution. for your reference.

First.Add All files in FrameWork use RuntimeDependencies

RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, “lib/IOS/libdynamic.framework/libdynamic”), UnrealBuildTool.StagedFileType.SystemNonUFS);
RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, “lib/IOS/libdynamic.framework/Info.plist”), UnrealBuildTool.StagedFileType.SystemNonUFS);
RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, “lib/IOS/libdynamic.libdynamic/_CodeSignature/CodeResources”), UnrealBuildTool.StagedFileType.SystemNonUFS);
RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, “lib/IOS/libdynamic.framework/Headers/G6DebugAnyWhereInterface.h”), UnrealBuildTool.StagedFileType.SystemNonUFS);

then it will copy to bundle root. But the directory name is the project name and will conflict with the executable file. so modify DefaultGamei.ini

+RemapDirectories=(From=“ModuleDirectory/Plugin/lib/IOS”, To=“FrameWork”)

then the file will package in bundle/FrameWork

Hi, this problem might have almost fixed my issue because a framework i am trying to use require embedded content. But after i finish building the ipa, and when i try to install it into my phone, i get the following error

It is saying some codesigning error, and it is because of the framework files being copied at packaging time. Possible verification failure. Is there any way for me to fix this ?

The only thing i did was add
RuntimeDependencies.Add(Path.Combine(ModuleDirectory, “lib/IOS/Skillz.framework/*”), UnrealBuildTool.StagedFileType.SystemNonUFS);

along with
+RemapDirectories=(From=“ModuleDirectory/Plugin/lib/IOS”, To=“Frameworks”)

into the build.cs under the IOS target.

Did you solve this issue ? met the same