I am still in beginner level and trying to package iOS from mac. It shows ERROR FAILED TO CODE SIGN. I did registration as apple developer, downloaded and imported certificate, provisioning profile in ue which shows green light as attached. I did search and applied process from other answers and documentation but it’s not working. I need some help from community.
The specific error from your Output log is "Code signing is required for product type… in SDK ‘iOS 10.1’ (In this case, product type “Arcadia”)
First, what version of UE4 are you using? I found a couple of AnswerHub posts where UE4.13 was the culprit and that rolling back to 4.12.5 fixed the issue. Also, presumably whatever was causing the error from UE4.13 has been fixed in UE4.14.
Secondly, it looks like you are packaging for distribution with developer certificates and provisions. You must package for development with developer certs and provisions and you must use distribution certificates and provisions when packaging for distribution.
Lastly, this does not have to do with this specific error, but will likely cause your package build to fail if not corrected: Open your Output Log in a text editor program and search for the word “Summary.” Under the Warning/Error Summary you will see the error:
CookResults:Warning: Warning Unable to generate long package name for ../../../../../../mac/Documents/Unreal Projects/ArcadiaV1/Content/Maps/Arcadia.umap because FilenameToLongPackageName failed to convert... Attempt result was '../../../../../../mac/Documents/Unreal Projects/ArcadiaV1/Content/Maps/Arcadia', but the path contains illegal characters '.'
Make sure you package your game to a shorter directory, like a folder on your desktop, and that the entire directory path does not contain any illegal characters, like periods, umlauts, colons or semi colons, etc.
I did start project in windows https://.unrealengine.com/showthread.php?129017-Arcadia-Architectural-Viz&highlight=arcadia
Then gave up in publishing in iOS and then bought a scrap iMAC to see how it goes. I can’t run more than 4.10.4 in this iMAC. I am still developing this project in windows actually. In windows it’s 4.14.1. If I upgrade the config of mac and run same version can I simply copy paste into mac to run all packaging tasks ? I have to publish it to windows, mac, iOS, TVOS and iTunes too in end. Is it better to develop the project solely in mac as I see people are struggling to publish to iOS, iTunes from windows. My plan is to develop it in windows, copy paste in mac and then publish it from here for all mac related products. What’s your suggestion?
I don’t think it matters which one you develop on, except for the end result… You will not be able to publish for Windows from a Mac and you cannot publish for Mac/iOS from a Windows PC. Since the Majority of your devices are Mac/iOS it would seem to make sense to develop on a Mac and copy the project to a PC to publish for Windows. Of course, make sure you are using the same Engine Version on both.
Thanks, . I have downloaded 4.12.5 and 4.14.2 both and it’s woking fine in both. I am not sure about copying after a windows project from pc to mac but from a mac it doesn’t show the error in both version. Thanks again.