IOS OpenGl ES 3.0

Hey guys!

Just wondering what feature set we get to work with here in Unreal Engine 4 on IOS!

I know we can cook using Metal and OpenGl ES 2. (shown below):

But do we get access to OpenGl ES 3.0? Is the feature set / quality level marginally different between 2.0 and 3.0? Is unreal going to support the new A8 GPU’s in Apple’s hardware?

Any info would be great!


Metal is the way to go for A8 devices: it is (at least) compatible with ES 3.0, has room for growth and it’s an easier to use & more powerful API, so we’d rather spend our time making Metal awesome than adding a new option for ES3 :slight_smile:

Hi Caloca, thanks for the answer!

Do you think metal will provide higher quality features on IOS (SSR, dynamic actors/lighting, etc)?

Also do you think it would be worth learning metal, or does the engine handle that behind the scenes? (I’m developing content packages on Windows machines, transferring to OS X, then compiling and deploying from there)


UE handles Metal for you (just like OpenGL, D3D, etc), so it wouldn’t hurt to learn about it but it is not required. On 4.5 we added some improvements for Metal, be on the lookout!

Hey RCaloca - thanks for the info. Is there a way to preview metal rendering in the editor?

I gave metal a go but it totally messes up the shadows, they turn into checkerboard projections that swim around.
*Apparently metal only works right if you deploy from OSX.