iOS Native Goodies plugin for UE4

Hello, my team and I have just released our new plugin that allows you in a simple way to interact with iOS native functionality!

Join our Discord server in case you have any questions or would like to know more about our plugins: Discord

Plugin features:

★ Native UI ★

  • Various dialogs, alert dialogs, input dialog, actions sheets, native loader
  • Date picker, time picker, countdown timer picker
  • Native app rating dialog

★ App interaction ★

  • Native sharing text/image/link or everything combined
  • Send SMS and email both via apps or embedded in app using MessageUI.framework
  • Open phone dialer or make FaceTime call
  • Open application settings or app store page, open YouTube video
  • Open Apple maps with location/directions/search/address

★ App device ★

  • Getting various device info like battery level or proximity sensor state

★ Hardware ★

  • Toggling flashlight and its intensity


★ Marketplace: iOS Native Goodies in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace
★ Example project on GitHub:
★ Documentation:

Here are also a few blueprint screenshots for you to get a better idea what can be achieved with this plugin:

  1. Show native iOS dialogs or action sheets.

  1. Share text or images!

  1. Interact with different apps like Google Maps or YouTube, start video calls via FaceTime, open app setting, show rate dialog and many more!

With existing example project, you should be able to build an app like one in this short demo video:

Isn’t there a node to share text without e-mail? I want use native intent only to share text for both Android and iOS. I can already use e-mail intent with url scheme.

Yes, you can do that, both in Android and iOS Goodies