IOS development on windows?

Is there anyone can help out with developing for IOS on windows? I’ve followed the unreal guides to the tee and for some reason cannot get my iPhone to show up on the launcher to test? Is there something that I’m missing. On the mobile provision and certificate it’s showing green and valid

Just about every guide on the docs that has to do with mobile development, I’ve looked through.

I think my biggest problem is how do I exactly test my game on my iPhone using my PC and Mac? I can’t exactly figure out the remote stuff. I have everything else ready to go

can you please link which unreal guides you’ve followed? Do you need remote compile with a mac?

the remote compile is quite easy as long as you have a working ssh connection between both machines. but back to your question - i’m not doing a lot of ios dev and when i try to do it on a mac (or a virtual mac - but this also don’t let you launch in a stable way) and i guess you really need to go through packaging all the time on a windows machine. if you have a mac you can use the emulator and I’m pretty sure you’l find the possibility to launch directly from editor (on mac).
sorry, I’m not a great help in this one, I don’t have any setup here at the moment to double check - it is just as far as I remember and a few UE releases ago. but while developing you don’t really need to check everything on the phone, do you? i mean the gameplay etc you can check on pc, the mobile inputs you can emulate with mouse or tools like “pc remote” (i think it is called, its from epic, then you can use your phone as input device while your game runs on PC). then the big milestones like graphics, sensors, performance … this is what I would deploy while developing

Yes getting the SSH is the part that is not working at all and honestly have no idea what I’m doing! As far as development I’ve been using the remote plug in and it’s been great but I need to test performance on my actual IOS devices to which variables I can push and which ones I cant