iOS development build failed when compiling Module.SSL.cpp (openssl)


I failed compiling Module.SSL.cpp from UE 4.24.0 (Windows github release) with remote on Catalina

Tested from a fresh blank c++ project, here are the logs :

In file included from D:\UE4_projects\BLANK_TEST\Intermediate\Build\IOS\BLANK_TEST\Development\SSL\Module.SSL.cpp:2:
/Volumes/MACBOOK_DATA/UE4/Builds/PC/D/UE4/UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/Runtime/Online/SSL/Private/SslCertificateManager.cpp:21:10: fatal error: 'openssl/ssl.h' file not found
#include <openssl/ssl.h>

I found nothing on the hub about this error

may be someone could help me ?
Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

It seems it is a MacOs Catalina case sensitive problem (I’m on Xcode 11.2.1)…

[EDIT] it seems that the compiler is searching the include files in the “IOS” (uppercase) and can’t resolve the path with “iOS” (lowercase “i”)


I had a similar problem with libPNG-1.5.2 the compiler searching the lib in the “ios” (lowercase) folder but the folder is “IOS” (uppercase)

clang: error: no such file or directory: '/MACBOOK/.../UnrealEngine/Engine/Source/ThirdParty/libPNG/libPNG-1.5.2/lib/ios/Device/libpng152.a'

Just did a pull request →