IOS Crashes on load

When packaging and deploying a build to testflight, I install the game on a device and the game crashes on the UE loading screen.

I have attached my device logs. The thing that sticks out to me is this message:

: Application(com.mycompany.mygame) is not allowed to run in production

I am building on OS 10.12.5, deployed on an iPhone6 plus. Using UE 4.16. Here is the log:
iOS device log

Edit: I would also like to point out this line in the log. Not sure if this is the cause of my issue:

Project file not found: …/…/…/mygame/mygame.uproject

Hi, did you resolve this? Curious how if so, I’m getting this now iOS, 4.17.

Removing this line from Config/DefaultGame.ini solved my issue:


posted my answer for you.