iOS Cooking Errors - LogAutomationTest: Error: Expected 'TChar::ToLower()' to be 248, but it was 216

I’m trying to package the project for iOS (shipping, for distribution). However, during the cook process I get a lot of the following errors:
“LogInit: Display: LogAutomationTest: Error: Expected ‘TChar::ToLower()’ to be 244, but it was 212.”

The project is being packaged using this command:
/path/to/Engine/Build/BatchFiles/ BuildCookRun -nocompileeditor -nop4 -project=“/path/to/ProjectName.uproject” -cook -stage -archive -archivedirectory=“/path/to/project/archivedir” -package -clientconfig=Shipping -ue4exe=UE4Editor -clean -compressed -pak -prereqs -distribution -nodebuginfo -targetplatform=IOS -build -CrashReporter -utf8output

The project was just upgraded from 4.21.2 to 4.22.2, and this error only started after the upgrade. After looking through the code I see that the errors are coming from CharTest.cpp, which is running an automated test. I can also see that this test was added in 4.22, so that’s why we’re seeing the issue now.

I’m not sure what’s causing the issue though. I tried making a new project, and packaged it in the same way with the same command, and it got through the cook just fine. So it must be something in my project. I tried messing around with the localization settings, but with no luck. I’m not sure what’s going on. I might just disable the test, in the engine code and see if I can get it to work then. But I’d rather know why the test is failing.

Anyone else ever seen this issue?