I am trying to deploy the Face AR Sample (provided by Epic) on my iPad. When I try to package/launch it, the deployment fails with the following error:
UATHelper: Packaging (iOS): ERROR: BUILD FAILED D:\UE4Projects\FaceAR\Binaries\IOS\FaceARSample.stub was in manifest but was not produced.
I am attaching the log file. Any help is appreciated.
Hi. I have the same problem. I was wondering if you’ve found anything.
I think it was a provision and certificate related issue. I don’t exactly remember what I did, but it mostly involved redoing the provisioning steps. Try making a new clean project and package again. Sorry, I can’t be much of help.
To anybody reading, if you have the error above its probably because your running the UE4 20 so if you run the project in UE4 21 it should work. It’s a remote server bug in UE 20 I believe.
After days I figured it out another issue. if you receive, couldn’t find FaceARSample.stub. Recreate the provision and certificate from the apple developer page then you should get a stub error again if your project name is different. I made the mistake of changing the name of the project so recreate a project “FaceARSample” then it should fix, “couldn’t find FaceARSample.stub”
I hope it helps!