IOS build doesn't work with WebSockets server

Hey, there! I got WebSocket server that I connect to from the game with WebSockets module. Everything works fine in Editor (on Windows and Mac too), works fine in Android build, but in IOS Build doesn’t. IOS Build doesn’t even try to connect to my WebSocket server. I mean there is no any errors in server logs, no attempt even. That makes me think that is some problem with IOS firewall or some IOS build settings Maybe someone get same problem and know what is going on?

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I assume it’s a wss (secure) endpoint?

Yeah the endpoint is wss of course

Having the same issue with a wss endpoint

Actually problem was in Certificate, I know it sound a bit weird, but you need to create folder called Certificates inside of your Content folder (not in UE, but in your file system) and copy/paste there certificate cacert.pem from <YOUR_ENGINE_PATH>/Engine/Content/Certificates/ThirdParty. Then in your Packaging setting you need to add you Certificates folder to Additional Non-Asset Directories To Build and Additional Non-Asset Directories To Copy, after this your WS connection will start work as you expect on iOS


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