iOS - Black Screen after Running on Simulator

I created a blank project with Unreal 5.3.2 (Source Build) from My Macbook M2 Pro to latest iOS 17.2 Simulator with XCode automatic signing, it built successfully and shows Splash Screen for few seconds and then gives black-screen.

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did u find fix for this?

Nope, seems like the simulator runs on a different architecture so there’s no way to run the unreal built ipa, but still we can use the source build and run the game on the simulator. There an official documentation page on using the XCode simulator with Unreal Engine.

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the official documentation page you mentioned is Using the Xcode iOS Simulator with Unreal Engine projects. | Unreal Engine 5.4 Documentation | Epic Developer Community?

i follow the steps, create a third person blank project, but got the some error as you, can you give me some help?