Invisible Root Bone Collision Issue


I’ve been tearing my hair out these past days over various issues with the PhAT in UE4, and I finally got it to a point where it sort of works. Problem is, there is something colliding with the ground at the same point where the root bone is. It doesn’t show up as a collision either.

When simulating in PhAT, the wheels shrink and become very small. The body of the car stays in the air. The wheels are set to Kinematic.

Inside the engine when playing, the wheels stick and the car falls to the ground, however keeps leaning on one point below the vehicle, where the root bone is. I tried leaning the car in different angles and even made it hang off of a cliff, with only the invisible bone as support.

In the image above, both collisions and center of mass is set to show.
Does anyone know what causes this issue and how to solve it?

I found out what I had done wrong. Turns out I thought I was using the right scale, but wasn’t. I didn’t find out why the bones behaved like they did however.

For me, in blender 2.8 I had to set the unit scale to 0.01 (meters), and then scale the rig and mesh up to 100. Then apply the scale transform, and re import into UE4. After I had adjusted all Wheels and Physics assets, it worked like a charm.

Leaving this here in hopes to help others.

Thanks for putting this here man.
I’ve had unit scale as 0.01 in blender, but I did not scale the objects up or down (they were in real world scale). This cause the wheel colliders to disappear when I ran the physics asset in Unreal.
Later, I followed your advice and scaled all objects up to 100x in Blender and then exported. Although the asset becomes huge in Unreal, the physics colliders are correct now