I’m working on a game in wich you can build.
In the editor everything works fine but when i package the game some meshes are hidden.
It’s random wich mesh is not working, sometimes the floor meshes and sometimes the roof meshes or other meshes are invisible. I have found some simular posts but no real solution.
The actors are not set hidden in game. I’ve put alle meshes in the world map to check if its an actor problem but the mesh it self is not visible so the actor is working. And since its random i cant find out what the problem is because all meshes have simular settings. I’ve done some tests to see if the actors are missing or hidden by using print string and its seems that they are there but only the mesh is not visible.
I cooked, build and saved the project before package to an empty folder.
I realy hope someone can help me with this because i am stuck on this for 2 days now.
Have you made sure that all the content in your directory is being cooked in the project? You can check to see whats being cooked through Project Settings->Packaging.
Not per se, but you can try checking the box “Cook everything in the project content directory”. That will package EVERYTHING inside the content folder.
Ah yes also tried it and i also made a complete New game and there the same thing happens. In editor it Works and in stand alone game also. Is there a way to pack it manualy?
I’m reimporting all objects now and then I hope it will keep working. I had this before in the same project. I reimported the objects and it worked for a while but after a while the problem came back. I dont want to have to keep reimporting and set materials and place all meshes back in the blueprints
If the problem keep happening I will do as you ask.
Ok i reimported all meshes and set all blueprints up again.
I saved all, build all, cooked for windows, then packaged with cook all.
It worked. everything was there.
I packaged again to be sure and then my wall meshes are gone again.
I think it has something to do with the packing for second time.
Maybe it keeps old data and cant write new data so it messes it up maybe?
I checked again. My blueprints are working and are in game but only the meshes disappear.
Its not comming in the packaged version. My roof walls are the same child blueprint and are in the game.
I place all meshes in game and package and there are some missing.
I think i found the problem now i hope there will be a sollution,
My meshes are not all saved as UASSET not in the project folder in my documents and also not in the packed game folder.
The Engine is reading the FBX file but is not making it into UASSET.
Thats why they are not shown in game.
Is there a way to save them as a UASSET? Maybe manually?
Lol i am spamming myself but i think i got the answer!!!
I have moved meshes in other folders while working in the engine.
Some meshes are still in old folders or totaly different folders on my comuter.
In the engine they are in the right folder but on my computer they are not.
I can put them back manually but i hope it can be fixed in a different way for if it happens again in the future.
I will try it now and let you know if this is the sollution for now.
Its a half sollution… i could find some meshes saved as UASSET in other folders but some meshes are not even saved as UASSET they are not in the project folder and can also not be packaged.
Still no sollution. I found the UASSET files and its 1 UASSET file for all my walls because i made them in 1 fbx file. The files are all there only sometimes there are some files that dont need to be there because i deleted that mesh but it keeps old UASSET files in the folder. i cleaned everything up and reimported the fbx but still some meshes keep disappearing and its still random.
Now my walls are back but my doors and windows are gone…
So here i am again
I looked at the Manifest_UFSFiles that come with the packed game. I checked the list of items in it and i found out that allot of meshes are not come with the packed game.
For instance in the screenshot I marked the location of where i am missing my wall meshes.
The next line should have been in place of where i marked the green line.
I forgot to mention I also tried redirect but didnt work and I deleted my old package and also recreated all uasset.
I used ue4.11 and I installed ue4.12.
I fixed it yesterday by creating a new project ue4.12 and then open my project ue4.11 in it. Then just build and package and done
The packing took very long but it worked.
Thanks for your replies though and I hope I helped others with this aswell.