As we can see on this pretty picture - after killing a monster, i set Set Simulate Physics, so it becomes a ragdoll (+ then add impulse to throw it away, etc.) It’s cool, but after killing, monsters’ collision remains in the place it was killed!
I’ve tried Set Actor Enable Collision to false after death and it works, but it causes ragdoll to fall through ground…
I’ve thought that maybe it’s Capsule collision from Character Movement component. So i’ve tried to Deactivate / Destroy this component but nothing, collision is still there. How to eliminate this invisible collision?
-Just noticed you tried this as well. I would also look into making sure that your skeletal mesh has collision on it as well. Also check that you don’t have other components throwing collision. Is this replicated or on the client?
Arrrgh my dumb mistake. I’ve just destroyed Capsule Component and it worked! Previously, instead of destroying / disabling collision on Capsule Component itself, i was trying to do this on Character Movement component. Thanks