Invisible actors in Unreal 5.1

Hi Mind-Brain

Does the engine have silent updates out the back door?
I continually read a lot of posts where people have problems with version 5.1…
But I don’t see any that have invisible actors. So this problem may have already been fixed…

Or maybe it’s better to wait for version 5.1.1 to start using 5.1.0?

I’ve noticed that many moderators of this forum continue to use version 4.27… I don’t know if it’s because it’s the most stable, or it’s because they love it, out of habit, or because they don’t want to migrate their project.

In any case, I want to use the most recent version of the engine if it is possible, even if it means having to fix a bit of the code for things that have been deprecated. But I don’t want to be fighting against bugs. Especially when it’s not possible to go back to previous versions. It could be many hours of wasted work. Maybe this is a disadvantage of blueprints. Possibly using C++ this doesn’t happen.

So as you can see there is a lot of uncertainty about it.
I often read this thread but I only see problems.

I’d like to see a post that says:
Folks, ok we did it, we fixed all the major bugs. You can use it without being afraid. Enjoy it!! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much Mind-Brain!! :sparkling_heart: