Invisible actors in Unreal 5.1

I just installed UE 5.1 and in my project some actors became invisible.

I was making a video to ask here in the forum why this happened and I noticed that unchecking the “hidden in game” option of the collisions box fixed the problem.

After this everything seems to work normally.

So I don’t know if this is a bug or if there is another reason for this to happen.

If you know why this happens, please let me know.

Thank you very much.

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Hey again @Ivan3z!

It isn’t known for sure if this is a glitch in the update process.
Something you can do in the meantime:
Highlight the entire actor list, and you should be able to hit the checkbox for Hidden in Game and it will enable/disable hidden for all at once.


Hi again Mind Brain!!
It works for actors placed in world.

But the cube that I show in the video does not belong to my project from a previous version.

I have created it in UE 5.1

So I think it’s not an update problem.

Thank you very much for your help!! :sparkling_heart:

Hi Mind-Brain

Does the engine have silent updates out the back door?
I continually read a lot of posts where people have problems with version 5.1…
But I don’t see any that have invisible actors. So this problem may have already been fixed…

Or maybe it’s better to wait for version 5.1.1 to start using 5.1.0?

I’ve noticed that many moderators of this forum continue to use version 4.27… I don’t know if it’s because it’s the most stable, or it’s because they love it, out of habit, or because they don’t want to migrate their project.

In any case, I want to use the most recent version of the engine if it is possible, even if it means having to fix a bit of the code for things that have been deprecated. But I don’t want to be fighting against bugs. Especially when it’s not possible to go back to previous versions. It could be many hours of wasted work. Maybe this is a disadvantage of blueprints. Possibly using C++ this doesn’t happen.

So as you can see there is a lot of uncertainty about it.
I often read this thread but I only see problems.

I’d like to see a post that says:
Folks, ok we did it, we fixed all the major bugs. You can use it without being afraid. Enjoy it!! :slight_smile:

Thank you very much Mind-Brain!! :sparkling_heart:

Hey again @Ivan3z! Just as a heads up, this would be a good time to make a new topic, so next time keep that in mind! We tend to prioritize things that don’t have solutions yet. Alternatively, if you’re looking for a particular mod, send us a PM!

So involving the engine releases, sometimes you’ll get hotfixes and they’ll update automatically if you have that setting enabled. If you want the “Final State” of a given version, wait for the announcement for the NEXT one. So if you wanted to use 5.1 in its MOST stable state, wait for the announcement of 5.2, sometimes a few weeks later. Typically that version will be N.N.3, sometimes N.N.2/4.

As far as people using version 4.27, you pretty much nailed all the reasons people still use it. Eventually, most will move over for the additional features, once their current project is complete. It’s atypical for people to start new things with UE4 now.

Every version is going to have its bugs, especially with UE5 being so new as a whole. However, as time goes on, the discovery (and squashing) of bugs will likely curb as more use-cases are utilized, and you will see a much easier migration release-to-release with a project that is already UE5. And if you run into a bug, remember that it’s likely going to be fixed in a patch or two, so don’t worry about your end product having that issue. If you’re releasing in 6 months or less, DEFINITELY keep on the version you’re using, just to keep from having additional headaches. :slight_smile:

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Hi Mind-Brain
Yeah, that’s exactly what I needed to know.
Ok, next time I’ll open a new topic. Sorry about it.

In my case then I will wait for version 5.2 to start using version 5.1.

I don’t know exactly when I will release my game.
I am putting a lot of emphasis on having perfect programming.
I am continually looking for design patterns that make my life easier.
Because my idea to be able to use my classes and components for future games.
So I know that the first time the work will be hard, but the next time everything will be much easier because all the work will already be done.

And I’m still learning. Every day I learn something new from Unreal…

Thank you very much for getting me out of uncertainty!! :heart: :heart:

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