If anyone can help me, i am brazilian and i am trying to see tutorials to create this inventory system, but always i got this message! Please,what can i do to resolve this?
Try connecting it to “Other Actor” pin in the Overlap node.
Thanks man, you resolve my error, but still i didn’t get the result of the video that i watch, i will see the video again to make sure that i didn’t miss nothing, but really thank you!
You’re welcome - please mark the question as answered. If you get stuck with another error, feel free to create a new question and ping me.
Ok, one more time thanks! I don’t know if i do right, the question is marked as answered?
Oh, and as a future tip, the reason it didn’t work is because the player is an actor, and you used a components are PARTS of actors, but not actors themselves :).
Hum i understand, thanks man!