I have one major problem which I cannot seem to solve.
The problem is: When I pickup 3 pickups with the same name and move them from slot0 to slot2 or slor3 or slor4 and then drop them, ALL inventory objects get removed. If pickup 3 pickups and don’t change their position to another slot, one by one drops as intended.
It is pretty hard to tell as it’s hard to piece those blueprints together, but in the last 2 images, try changing the for each loop to be a for each loop with break, and then after you set widget style in the loop, connect that to the break. Also you can get rid of that cast that has the warning and connect the cast’s object directly to your item.
I see you increase the slot number amount, when adding the item, but i don’t see you decreasing any amount somwhere if theres more than one, only that you clear the slot.
That works as intented. The problem must be somewhere inside the stacking macro, but I can’t figure out where. I’ve posted full screen screenshots so you can see my tabs.
The decreasing is done in another function which I did not include as it will take more than 2 images. You want me too?