I have been following the tutorial from Ryan Laley and I put my own take on the concept of an inventory system ( loosely based on The Witcher 3 meets Outer Worlds). My only problem is that I cannot get the items I pick from the container to go into the inventory component of my character.
I am away from the computer I use to get the blueprints up but I want to ask is there any other simple way of just getting the information for the item I pick up to appear in the inventory of the player character?
I am looking for just a simple general setup and understanding of what to use and how. I will provide Blueprints later on, but please help me out here; I have been struggling with this issue (believe it or not) for more than a year! Aside from this and targeting, there is nothing else I have more of a problem with.
Please anyone has anything at all to offer, I will so much appreciate it; Thank you in advance
NOTE: I will get to uploading my setup but it is a lot to unpack.