Inventor part empty / error on DataSmith Import 4.27

Hi, I’m trying to use DataSmith to import a simple part, but no geometries get imported. I’m attaching the test part here. I select the DataSmith option, then select the part, then pick a directory, but no Geometries folders or actors get created. My import settings are Process All, Chord Tolerance: 1000cm, Max Edge: 0cm, normal Tolerance: 20deg, Stitching Technique: Stitching Sew.

I’m using 4.27.test_simple_inventor.ipt (96 KB)

My Output.log says “LogDatasmithDispatcher: Error: File processing failure: test_simple_inventor.ipt”

Any suggestions for debugging? This part was created with Inventor 2022.

Hello Scott,

I reproduced here.
I also tried with different CAD viewers and it seems to open with very recent one so I would say it is the support for inventor 2022 that is not in the version of the library used by Datasmith yet.

I let the CAD team know.

Thanks for reproducing. I was indeed able to open 2021 Inventor files from samples provided by Autodesk, but not 2022: Inventor Sample Files | Inventor | Autodesk Knowledge Network