So whenever I try to launch on my phone, I get this error message. Any idea what this means? I am using 4.13 built from source code, with CodeWorks 1R4u2 installed. I am sure this is something simple I am missing, if it helps I am using a Galaxy S6 Edge.
I didn’t have this issue but I do know that the data table import/export between 4.12 and 4.13 was changed -
- the structure/formatting changed
- the blueprint name mangling was dropped, which created an issue because a lot of my structs used NAME as a identifier, and that is technically now a “reserved” keyword
– wait, has this ever worked for you before? don’t you get this message if the ODB file is missing or something like that, its been a while since ive seen that one
Thanks for responding! This is my first time attempting to build on android, so it has never worked for me before. Where/what is an ODB file? My project is mostly made in blueprints, I just built it from source to learn how to do it, and I eventually want to dabble in c++ with it.
So with the blueprints changing in 4.13, could this be an issue with one of my blueprints? (I have a lot, so I don’t know where to begin/what to look for, if something is wrong with one of them)
I fixed it, I just went to the advanced launch settings, and launched from there, and it worked. Maybe a small bug? I don’t know but its working now! I will leave this post up for anyone who may encounter this in the future.