In Unreal 4.16 I was getting the following warnings (tank_fbx_Turret is a static mesh):
LogPhysics: Warning: PopulatePhysXGeometryAndTransform(Convex): ConvexElem invalid
LogPhysics: Warning: ForeachShape(Convex): [/Game/Tank/tank_fbx_Turret.tank_fbx_Turret] ScaledElem[0] invalid
After upgrading to 4.17 the engine throws an error just before begin to throw again the previous (ConvexElem invalid) warnings. The top of the error message is:
LogOutputDevice: Error: === Handled ensure: ===
LogOutputDevice: Error: Ensure condition failed: OutTM.isValid() [File:D:\Build\++UE4+Release-4.17+Compile\Sync\Engine\Source\Runtime\Engine\Private\PhysicsEngine\BodySetup.cpp] [Line: 845]
The lines from 845 and onwards in BodySetup.cpp are:
if (ensure(OutTM.isValid())) {
return true;
} else {
UE_LOG(LogPhysics, Warning, TEXT("PopulatePhysXGeometryAndTransform(Convex): ConvexElem invalid"));
OutTM is a PxTransform reference.
Just for a bit of context. In the game I have a tank composed of several static meshes, and the problem arises from the only two meshes which I created in C++ (inherited from UStaticMeshComponent). I created these classes because I needed to save some info related to those specific meshes (the turret and the barrel).
At the beginning I thought it had something to do with (not properly setup) collisions among the meshes (because these two specific meshes rotate). But I assembled a weird looking tank putting the meshes FAAR away so no matter what the movement it would be imposible for them to collide, and still the aforementioned warnings happen.
Soooo… I don’t know if there is a bug when using “C++ made” static meshes, or if it was a mistake on my part. Maybe someone has an idea what could it be. Or how am I supposed to trace engine code (in case there are such guidelines) because I wanted to add some flags to BodySetup.cpp where the error happens but it is a read-only file. I could manually change that property in the file but I don’t want to mess the engine code up by doing things the wrong way.
Just in case you want to take a look to the actual project you can check it out from GitHub: GitHub - Unreal-Course-1/04_BattleTank: An open-world head-to-head tank fight with simple AI, terrain, and advanced control system in Unreal 4
In the Content Browser you will find the static meshes in question in the Content/Tank/ directory. And the C++ Static Mesh Components (TankBarrel, TankTurret) in the C++ Classes directory.
With the project as it is, just playing and moving the turret around (just moving the mouse) will show the Invalid ConvexElem warnings (within 1 min).
Well, sorry for the lengthy post, and thank in advance for any light you could shed.