Invalid Controller received (task/behavior tree)

I am getting this error when trying to run the predefined tasks in a behavior tree.

i did my own task and it does work fine

What am I doing wrong in the first case?
I want to use the predefined tasks if it is possible.

Thank you so much!!

Sorry if this is a dumb question, but are you sure that your Move To Actor is not something you’ve added already? That log format doesn’t look like Epic’s kind of thing, and I don’t have anything like “BTT_AIMoveToActor” in my tree anywhere. Epic’s tasks all start with BTTask.

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Yes, I am quite sure that this task is supplied by unreal 5.0.3…
I did not write it

Thank you very much!!

I have found out things about this error.
-This only happens in tasks.
-This occurs when “Event Recive Tick AI” is the only declared event.
-This does not happen if “Event Recive Executre AI” is declared together with the previous event.

I still don’t know the reason why this happens

What do you think?
I am doing something wrong?
is it a bug? Or…?

Thank you very much!!


You were right!!
I finally found the problem.
it was all the fault of this asset. The worst asset in history.

It has given me many problems and headaches. During development and during cooking.

And you were right, Epic’s tasks all start with BTTask. “BTT_AIMoveToActor” It is part of this asset.

Next time I will try the assets that I downloaded from the store in a new empty project… this is not the only one that has given me problems but it is the most problematic of all the ones I have tried.

Thank you very much!!