Invalid command line

Hello guys…i get this error,
“Invalid command line”

when i try opening my project from the file directory
What could be the problem and how can i find a solution to it

Will be glad if i got help​:v:t3::relieved:

Clicking on popup “Fix project files associations” in EGS launcher solved it in all cases i’m encountered personally.

I’ve wrote a bit more details about it here: Generate project files button is missing - #4 by IrSoil

In the worst case you always can replace your *.uproject association with Engine/Binaries/Win64/UnrealEditor.exe for particular engine version, but fixing UnrealVersionSelector is usually better


Thank you mann… :100: it worked

For the future, to solve problems with a broken association with UnrealVersionSelector.

  1. You need to find UnrealVersionSelector in the folder with the installed launcher, in my case this is the path “D:\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealVersionSelector.exe”
  2. You need to create a shortcut from this UnrealVersionSelector
  3. Open the file properties and add “-fileassociations” at the end of the path
    I got “D:\Epic Games\Launcher\Engine\Binaries\Win64\UnrealVersionSelector.exe” -fileassociations
  4. Apply, ok, run as administrator, at first glance nothing will happen, but I fixed broken associations that I could no longer fix due to the innovations of Windows 11.

Also, if you moved a copy of the engine to another location, or reinstalled Windows, you can register copies of the engine in the system so that you can select it as a project version in the selector.
To do this, you just need to copy UnrealVersionSelector from the launcher folder to the root of the engine folder, run it as administrator, confirm that you want to register the engine and you’re done, but as far as I know it will not appear in the launcher.


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