September 22, 2023, 4:59pm
Hello, newbie here, I wanna use creative_prop.SetMaterial(material) but when I try to make @editable variable for material:
@editable M_kocka : material = material{}
I am getting some errors:
Invalid access of epic_internal class constructor (/Verse.org/Assets:)material
from class /localhost/LearningAgain/M_change_test
Any idea how to fix this?
September 23, 2023, 6:01am
In my experience you cannot fix it. I tried quite a bit to get materials as editable, but was unable to do so. I had to try different approaches.
September 23, 2023, 8:52am
Yea, the answer was here (Exposing Assets in UEFN to Verse ). You dont acctualy use @editables to expose assets to verse…
September 23, 2023, 9:07am
I believe that that was just enabled last week, haven’t had a chance to try it with materials, but I have tested it with textures.
Unfortunately this page didn’t help at all. The UEFN Documentation is useful once in a blue moon but it’s a shame it doesn’t give some simple examples like “This is how you initialize a texture variable”.