I tried use my Intuos Pen Small CTL-480 in the Unreal 4 but doens’t working, in other programs like blender, inkscape, krita… works fine, in the UE4 when I tried rotate with the top button in the landscape mode It’s crazy and even when I decresed the camera speed for 1, It’s fast yet, It spins like a mad. So, what configuration I need to do for solve this problem?
I’m using the UE4 4.25.3 in the Linux.
My current wacom configuration below:
Option "Area" "0 0 15200 9500"
Option "DebugLevel" "0"
Option "CommonDBG" "0"
Option "Suppress" "2"
Option "RawSample" "4"
Option "PressCurve" "0 12 92 100"
Option "Mode" "Absolute"
Option "TPCButton" "off"
Option "Touch" "off"
Option "Gesture" "off"
Option "ZoomDistance" "0"
Option "ScrollDistance" "0"
Option "TapTime" "250"
Option "CursorProx" "30"
Option "Rotate" "none"
Option "Threshold" "26"
Option "Serial" "0"
Option "PressureRecalibration" "on"
Option "PanScrollThreshold" "1300"