Introduction to Paper2D Tutorial: Character Not Displaying

I’m following the Introduction to Paper2D video tutorial series hosted by Zak Parrish. In the particular video entitled “Character Blueprint 1: Initial Setup”, he demonstrates how to create a character blueprint and then later display the character on the associated level. I’m finding that my character never displays on the level in the viewport when attempting to simulate. Everything else seems to work perfectly.

My issue may seem very similar to this one (note the link), but in my case the character never appears/displays in the first place. I also watched the full video referenced at that link which presents a very similar tutorial, but to no avail.

I have also tried to ferret out the difference between the tutorial product at the given stage and the built-in 2D Side Scroller template, as I find that the completed template displays the character. It is extraordinarily difficult though to find the difference/culprit. Any advice would be splendid. I’ve tried earnestly to do my due diligence. Thanks!

My system specs are: UE 4.6.1, Mac OSX 10.9.5, 2.3GHz i7, 8GB ram, AMD Radeon HD 6750 w/ 1GB Ram.

Dubble check that you’re hitting play and not simulate when trying it out, also make sure that simulate isn’t checked in the play drop-down menu.
Hope it helps!


I am facing the same issue, the character sprites to do not appear at player start. I see the platform and that drops ok but no player. If I run the game in anything other than simulate I get a black screen. Any help appreciated!

Im on macbook with 4.7.3

Thanks for the help Elib! I was having the same issue and that fixed it! :wink: