Hello all my name is and i am an absolute beginner and was wondering if it is possible for me to make a Diablo 1 style game just using the blueprints since i am not a coder and dont know C++ at all?
Okay i wanna make a Diablo 1 type game…Is it top down or 3rd person with a camera follow?
Next i wanna make my own buildings so would blender work for importing my work from that 3d modeling software?
and lastly i know there is resorces in the marketplace that might expand my game in directions i could never do without.If i use said marketplace purchases can i sell my game with said
marketplace purchases? do not wanna be sued for misues of stuff bought from the marketplace!
Any and all information no matter how indepth or short will be greatful!
Q. “i wanna make a Diablo 1 type game…Is it top down or 3rd person with a camera follow?”
A. I remember Diablo being isometric.
Q. “…so would blender work for importing my work from that 3d modeling software?”
A. Any program that can export models in FBX format is suitable. See: Importing Content.
Q. “If i use said marketplace purchases can i sell my game with said marketplace purchases?”
A. As the FAQ explains, “Besides using this content for learning, experimenting, and prototyping, you can also ship it in your own products, too! However, you can’t sell or sublicense Marketplace content to other developers for use in their products, e.g. via website or e-commerce mechanism built into a 3D development tool.” It is worth reading the EULA itself in full, as it covers what you can and cannot do with Unreal Engine 4 and content provided for it.
Is it possible to make a Diablo style game using the blueprints instead of coding C++?
Anyone know if it is possible to make said style game using just the blueprint style instead of C++ since i am not knowing how to code?
Thanks much for the information…Hope i can find great tutorials on how the blueprint system works!