Absolutely, this is a HUGE gift to the community so grateful Dev Grants exists!!!
We haven’t submitted anything quite yet, just freekin excited it’s even an option for .
Absolutely, this is a HUGE gift to the community so grateful Dev Grants exists!!!
We haven’t submitted anything quite yet, just freekin excited it’s even an option for .
Just applied for my VR project based on wireless setup
https://.com/Frd88EXVQEo https://.com/uC2SZv3Z7ZE
Fed up fiddling with linear streamed music trying to make it as interactive as a game?
Gameplay is always unpredictable, so linear composition cannot cater well to it.
Why not use an interactive audio format instead? Because there’s no such thing!
Until now.
I’m working on a dynamic music format/engine and just submitted my application:
Music composers can create songs with more than just one mood, but all possible moods embedded at the same time.
You won’t need dozens of tunes for your game anymore - have just one that adapts to your game events instead!
Developers can load and playback that music just like an MP3, but get functions to trigger mood changes in the song at any time the game requires it. Mood can also be interpolated, for example in FPS, to directly express your remaining hit points through the music. Changing playback speed will not cause heavy CPU load or create sound artifacts - it can be a real-time feature. Extreme audio compression allows hours of music in a few Megabytes of data, which is especially interesting for mobile development.
I would use the to develop a cross-platform Audiomatik plugin for UE, so that every Unreal-driven game can benefit from it.
I submitted my game CHASERS to Unreal Dev Grants.
I wish you the best of luck with your submission. Epic doesn’t seem to be very interested in VR projects. We’ve submitted a Virtual Reality Full-Body-Avatar project long ago and there was absolutely no reaction or interest from Epic
What you see in the video is only a small part of the submission, since the scope of entire thing is much bigger and, most important, this setup will be upgraded ( hopefully ) soon, but to do that I need fundings
Its been a month and my android game hasnt been downloaded yet… Can anyone from EPIC pls update about this… Have spent months to get the framework ready…
My own application wasn’t downloaded in four months and that was a year ago, so…
UDG simply has way too many applicants.
This was my situation as well, for my last two submissions. Both instances Epic said they caught up to after it was submitted, but my links were never clicked on. I doubt it has anything to do with the number of applicants. I just don’t think they’re honestly looking at them all. And that’s fine, it’s their money to give and none of us are entitled to it. But for those of us with ways to verify whether our projects were clicked on/downloaded/viewed there have been many cases where people have said it never occurred despite the claim they were caught up to or beyond that period. I personally just gave up on submitting anymore.
Unfortunately, this.
I applied too with a demo and video, and never heard anything (ok, they stated that you only hear from them in case of positive outcome), but not even looking at that stuff…
Then, at least from my personal POV, half of the DevGrants going to companies that not even remotely need them as opposed to indie devs with great concepts, like the procedural animation plugin in this thread…Well, thats a bit demotivating for us.
Please note that i am not saying that i deserve a dev . There are probably many others that got better showcases than me, but dont even looking at the actual submissions is a bummer.
I’ve been meaning to apply for a solely for the purpose of getting a Vive to develop on, but I keep stalling because I’m not sure that my contribution fits the “cool enough” factor. Part of this is because I don’t have a specific project in mind and was instead going to do some R&D to see what I can come up with.
I’ve been doing some VR work already on a DK2 but the lack of motion controllers is limiting the things I’d like to try. This is one of the projects I’ve been working on: Sky-based anime VR game - Game Development - Epic Developer Community Forums
Is it worth applying? I don’t want to waste anyone’s time with a sub-par submission.
I have a question.
What information is needed / recommended with the application?
Should I write about myself / my team, our work experience?
Anything about what I need money for / how will I spend it?
Should I go into detail about how I envision the full game to be like?
Or should I just leave a basic description and let the playable demo speak for itself?
Its true. Dev is only marketing thing so people start to develop with UE4. In reality only good contacts get the and submission are not even watched. And it is sad that after years of development the links for videos etc are not even clicked.
Our game “Space Jones VR” already on Oculus Home Feature & Steam, we dev it using UE4:). Is it ok to apply for UE4 grants? BTW, how to upload video of game or other info which you can refer?
I would like to share with you my work on Unreal Engine 4. I am producing a game called Clown2Beat and I already have a BETA version. If you want to play and/or help, you can send me your e-mail so I can send you the link to download.
I am looking to develop a great expansion with a lot more levels. Hope you like the game.
Just re-submitted our game
Goblins of Elderstone!
Follow us at: http://.com/lostgoblin to find out more
What’s the current status of Unreal Dev ? Is there still some funding remaining? I’m asking because I’m thinking wheter to apply, or not.
Thank you in advance
Hfrost man
Yep, we have plenty more to help fund developers. We won’t be running out anytime soon either.