Introducing Unreal Dev Grants

I don’t think its that. I sent my submission around the same time, and my video links still haven’t been clicked. I believe its due to the large amount of submissions they are getting. =)

Any news on whether they’ll be another round of grants announced before christmas? Been a while since the last batch towards games :slight_smile:

We will be shooting over a playable prototype in February 2016! :wink:

I’m doing research into funding opportunities for our project currently, and the Unreal Dev Grants look like something we will be pursuing. But I have a couple of questions in the meantime:

  1. Are there any restrictions regarding to which country you can pay funds? Specifically, how would you transfer funds to Germany?
  2. Is there any US tax liable on any paid out funds?

Many thanks,

Last batch had some really nice projects getting the opportunity to push further! :smiley:

We’ll be planning to submit our demo and concept to you guys sometime after GX3 mid-december. :smiley:

Sent 4 times in past 6 month, demo attached, no downloads of our demo :frowning:

6 months is basically how long it takes for just one application to arrive on the review desk. Not sure what you were expecting by sending it four times.

, have they downloaded/viewed your project yet?

We stopped looking and removed the demo, it was really too far from the actual project at that point.

I sent something in during the week of the announcement and had just recently removed it for the same reason. I doubt I’ll resubmit.

What do they mean by a prototype game?

I had the same question… got no reply for 6 months too. yay
I love the engine and all, but as my point of view on Epic’s policy(at least on grants and marketplace) is quite questionable to say the least.

A demo they can play, I guess.

i will submit my VR prototype in a week or two. Money are welcome if we want accelerate or focus more in the project. Aside incentive if they think your project have future given you the money.

Anyway looking the comments i think all this months for decision not help too much to early project who need a boost or incentive.

What you have written is a great help for me.

Ok then Gweenn and that does make sense.

What’s considered under working prototype by Epic Games standards?
What I mean is what the game needs to contain?


Well, This is from a small dev team of 10, and only 6 are working now btw, I’m only 13 and are oldest is 16. Its is a RPG, Open World game with thousands of things to do. But I’m just looking to get more support because I don’t see many young devs that have gotten this far. Were on plus, and the lead developers email is and mine is Thanks, PLEASE SUPPORT!:slight_smile:

An original idea, interesting gameplay mechanics/characters/story/locations, proof of skill and ability to bring the concept to fruition would be a few big ones I’d imagine.