Introducing the new Quixel category

Welcome Quixel Community, we’re excited you’re here!

Being a part of the Epic Developer Community gives you access to a more unified ecosystem as we prepare for the launch of Fab later this year.

With a larger overall community, you have access to more information than ever – from tips and tricks, workflow best practices, and learning resources, to wider visibility on questions you may have, the Epic Developer Community has you covered. Plus, all of the knowledge we’ve put together over the years on our previous forum will still be available via Quixel’s FAQ articles.

Ongoing conversations from the previous forum have been converted to support tickets. If you haven’t received an email notification about an existing open issue, are experiencing a problem with your account, or have an issue that requires more in-depth troubleshooting, please create a ticket.

Thank you for joining us as we take this next step, we look forward to seeing what you’ll create.

See you in the Community!