Introducing a Medieval Village "extension"

This is a BP extension for the Medieval Village Marketplace Asset.

So, this project was inspired by n00854180t, who it seems was working on the same concept as I was, however, he made it so that instead of several individual building blueprints, you could build multiple layouts using a single BP.

What a wonderful idea I thought, but, due to the scope of my medieval project (which is the largest of the projects I’m trying to make), I needed something a bit more, err… simple? Faster? I guess. While it’s not completely done yet, as there are some hurdles to go through (such as implementing player camera / look at / action scripting on the doors), and adding ladders / rotations / floors, etc…, I am at a point now where I can show the direction that this extension is going.

I introduce to you all, the HouseBuilder.

The Class Defaults, which currently currently sitting at 4 variables that the developer can choose from. I will end up expanding it to 6, a “Rich or Average” option, and a “Cluttered or Neat” option.


Here is the overall blueprint design. I still have quite a bit more to add and tweak, but so far, this blueprint is successful at adding the floor, or floors, the walls, doors, roof, and signage (well, I still need to get the transform locations for the signs).

The blueprint does use a function from NoobSaibot, the AddMeshComponent, however, I also transferred the Roof Height over to a function, since it’s being called a billion different times in the branches. Welp, enough of the introductions for it, I should probably get back to wrecking my brain :wink:

I’ll post more as I get more along with it, and then I’ll end up sharing it with the community if you guys want. And of course, this was supposed to go in the Works in Progress sub-forum, if a mod could move it, great! If not, well… it is a blueprint :rolleyes:

For clarification on the middle comment, the door does have collision, however, I am adding an overlap collision box so that the player can open the door (if it is unlocked).

This look really interesting dude!

Just did a quick performance test, which I had to post. 750 floors ran at 42 FPS in the viewport. 1500 floors: 23 FPS, 2500 floors: 14 FPS. This is with everything in real-time, nothing turned off (epic settings?), and looking at the top of the building so there would be no viewport culling. This is on a, what I would consider, a standard dev machine with a gtx980. A more reasonable floor amount (which I have the slider maxed at), at 3 floors, and the viewport runs at 110 FPS.

So the performance is actually quite a bit better than what I had anticipated \o/

Welp, made a bit of progress. The doors are working (Not tested), floors are created, and creating staircases / stairplatforms now, which these are taking forever since they’re not in the power of 10, and the origin point is goofy (owner of the pack is aware and will attempt to fix).

The construction BP has gotten a wee bit more congested >< When I release it (this week sometime), I might break the forums :frowning:

The Event graph for the BP… pretty basic tbh:

Now, using the 6x12 floor dimensions, with the all of the floors, staircase, and platforms, I present: The 1500 story mega-goliath! These poor peasants must of had it rough, I know the UE4 editor did!


UPDATE: All that is left now is to generate the “store / shop” specific items, then it’ll be done. Not a bad day’s worth of progress \o/

UPDATE2: It’s almost 04:00 in the morning… the BP(s) themselves are finished, just need to finish writing up the instructions, test in a clean project, and release. I may end up needing to do a short setup video on it though :\ It’s pretty basic, and I didn’t realize the package only had a limited amount of non-building stuff in there, so populating the buildings with clutter will be a manual process, which is good anyways, as I really didn’t feel like having to iterate through every combination of floor plan / shop type for each piece of furniture :stuck_out_tongue: I’ll finish up tomorrow.

Welp, there were some issues with the animation of the doors, but everything is resolved now. However… in multiple cases, copy/paste does not work for the construction graph. Either it completely removes any flow control nodes, or it removes anything to do with transforms. I’ll be posting about this issue on the Answerhub, as I think there may be a limit to either how much is either copied from blueprints, or there is a limit to how much can be pasted into it.

@SaviorNT - Nice work! I love the 1500 storey peasant house. XD

Have you thought about using static mesh instances for performance?

Yea, was probably going to make them as hierarchal static mesh instances (better performance than normal instances).