If you are new to UEFN, this WIP tutorial series will help you get up and running. It covers some of the most common questions asked by new users. Oh, and help you build a few things too.
After working through these videos you will know how to:
- Launch UEFN
- Launch a session of FNC
- Navigate the viewport of UEFN
- Manipulate objects in UEFN (move, scale, and rotate)
- Be able to select and unselect objects in the viewport
- Understand the live connection between UEFN and FNC
- Find common settings and assets from FNC inside the UEFN interface
- Connect Devices using Events and Functions
That said, this getting started forum is where you should be asking and posting questions. Please do not post questions in the tutorial series, that will make navigating the forums more cumbersome than necessary. Also, we are new users just like you, the Epic team is the best place to get the answers to your questions.