Interstitial ads not working

Dear community,

I have already checked all settings several times but no ads are displayed. AdMob shows that requests have been made and the match rate is 97%. However, the impressions are zero.

I have entered the following permissions:


Google Play Support is enabled, Game App ID, AdUnit ID, and the Google Play license key are also entered.

I created a widget to display the interstitial ads:

It is created and added to viewport in the level blueprint.

I hope somebody can help me I cant find any solution on the internet.

Thanks for taking time:)

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did you solve the problem?

No it doesn’t work. Only the ad banner is working.

Do you able to get interstitial ads working?

No, still not working

Hello, There is a free plugin ’ Bansh Ads’ available for integrating various types of ads, including banners, intermediate, and rewarded ads, into Unreal Engine.

Additionally, it allows you to incorporate mediation services such as Unity Ads, Chartboost, Vungle, AdColony, and AppLovin. link → Bansh Ads in Code Plugins - UE Marketplace