Interpolation artifacts in exported depth maps (31675)


I noticed strange artifacts in my exported depth maps, mainly at depth jumps. It looks like the depth maps were interpolated incorrectly (bilinear or bicubic) at some point in RealityCapture. Depth maps should only be sampled using nearest interpolation to keep original values. Can you confirm this bug?

Example of wrong depth values at object border (false color visualization of depth):

Hi fighterman,

Please can you give us as many details as possible about your workflow, did you reconstruct in normal or preview before generating the depth maps?

I reconstruct in normal mode (I did not try the high detail mode yet). I tried both options for “Undistort images” during the export dialog for the depth maps - same issue here wether distorted or undistorted.

It’s worth to mention that at depth jumps to background objects near “infinity” there is no interpolated depth. E.g. some horizontal depth values at object borders:

3.403e+38 | 3.403e+38 | 3.403e+38 | 9.519 | 9.519 | 9.518

For my example above I got these horizontal depth values:

34.33 | 34.35 | 34.35 | 22 | 22 | 9.624 | 9.624 | 9.594

I would expect hard depth jumps at object borders. Maybe you have to switch off anti-aliasing for depth map rendering.

Hi fighterman,

I’m going to investigate this in more detail today and I’ll get back to you.

Hi fighterman,

Thank you for this. I had a good look at it and I think it warrants further attention. I’ve made a bug and the developers will have a closer look at it.