Interpolating Alpha in Animation Blueprint


So I have this Problem where I feel like more people should be asking about this but they aren’t so I’m confused.

I have an Animation Blueprint with a “Two Bone IK” - Node.
To this node I attached a variable for the Alpha of the “Two Bone IK” (aka how much influence the IK has) that is set in the Event Graph of the Anim BP depending on a boolean.

This works well, only that the transition between the two positions is extremely sharp since the Alpha is set instantly.
Ultimately I would like to know how to interpolate between the Alpha “0” and “1” (making for a smooth transition of my bone location) since there isn’t any timelines in Animation Blueprints…

For me there doesn’t seem to be any other way than complicatedly casting to the player character BP and creating a timeline there, which seems wrong since it should be easier somehow??

If anyone could help I’d be thankful since the sharp transition ruins the feeling of the game!


Any solution? Because I’m also looking for an alternative and nothing.

I’m also stuck with the same problematic. Anyone ?

Same problem