Interp to Movement Control Point Relative while Rotation World?

Is it possible to have the InterpToMovement control points set to relative while somehow getting the rotation of these control points set to world? I want to spawn in power-ups to random points on a map. I also want to keep the powerup tilted upward, since this is an isometric view game. I’d like the powerups to interpolate along the Z axis relative to the world. Since the Blueprint actor is tilted, the Z axis is not lined up with the world axis. How can I use Interp to get the Blueprint object to bob up and down if its Z axis is different than the rest of the world? I’m probably taking the wrong approach here, so suggestions to the correct approach would be appreciated.

So you want the BP to bob up and down on absolute Z, not it’s own Z?

You can just use absolute Z, like this:


Neat! Thanks so much. You are the best!