Interior Hall

Hi Guys,

Previously I have Posted Bedroom Interior scene . Just awaiting feedback on the same.
Working on the same scene but the Hall part. It will be great if i can have feedback on the same.


Hi Guys Please comment on the Post…Your thoughts are valuable for me.


The lighting looks very flat, almost like there’s no built lighting. Is it all dynamic?

Hi Wilkes,
Thanks for the reply. Yes Light build is there but I kept the Bounce value to 50 in world settings. Also Occlusion is very less. Can work on it.
Can check the updated version.

Very nice, however… I think you can turn up the Lightmass settings. Try turning off AO in Lightmass and any SSAO. Set Screen Percentage to 200% (to get SuperSamplingAA-like quality). Finally, the brightness of the light bulbs seems too high for a daytime scene.

Looking a lot better with the new lighting. I’m not a big fan on the hanging lights, they currently send a very strong light but do not illuminate the interior of their lampshade, also the light source appears to be cool/blue while the light bounce is much more orange/warm

Hi , Thanks for the note, Will defiantly work on it.

Hi TwinChad,
Thanks for the Note, Will work on it.