Hi everybody,
here is our first interior test with Unreal…it was done to showcase a potential client the possibilities of using ue4 for archviz and all the possible interactions (that’s why we have dynamic oranges falling and an animated skeleton for the luxo light eh eh). Following some screens and videos…ah right… the scene was also converted for ipad and iphone as you can see. Thanks.
This really a fantastic job, the lighting and the material details let me crazy!:rolleyes:
how long do you work with this project ?
Hi …It was a sudden request by a possibloe client to prepare a demo…so I had to rush it to do everything in a week…it was my first time using ue4…i was only experimenting before with an empty room on how to create a vray style interior light
Nice work, thumbs up for learning the whole thing in 1 week !!!
yaa thats right its great to learn everything in one week we have been investing all our time since several months to learn unreal engine.
Hi Sterne,
Thank you for your reply. I’m very like your demo, I’m new to learn UE4, could I buy UE model? it’s avalable ?
Thank you. I’ve sent a private message too.
Incredible work, especially considering you learned it in one week. Nice job. =)
Wow! the design is fantastic and it only took you a week?! You have such great talent (–)
That’s just beautiful. Cheers and keep up good work!