ive purchased a few smaller marketplace assets this year that had a simple add to project function (meshes and effects etc… nice and easy) but ive recently started working on my player and the control/ animations that accompany it. i purchased a pack from the store (namely a push/pull actor pack) over the weekend but this only comes as a create project option which is new to me…
is there a way in ue4 (other than opening side by side and copying nodes manually) to merge this into my project or BP interface?
e.g can i copy past the files from the dl project to my own then copy past a bulk of the blue prints into each other, will they access each other variables or would this become a messy process with lots of casting ?
i intent to purchase a horror starter pack from the market place i would like to us alongside the push/pull ive got here and i assume it will work in the same way (create project) what will then be the best way of creating a project using a base that contains both assets ?
would really appreciate some pointers on this as i’m sure some of you will have different approaches
(i’ve seen some similar posts here but havn’t really found what i’m looking for yet sorry if this is a common question)