Interface not firing in Standalone

Hi everyone,

I’m upgrading from UE5.4 to UE5.5 and it’s been a world of trouble so far (mostly with UMG).

My latest issue is Interfaces. It seems certain interfaces are firing fine in PIE mode, but are completely failing in Standalone mode.

What can possibly be causing this?

I’m firing from UMG:

To the Player Controller:

The interface is implemented in both UMG and Player Controller.

Please help!

So, the reason this happens (actually both in UE5.4 and UE5.5) is connected to DLSS4. Any Blueprint (the PlayerController in my case, but also UMG widgets) stop responding if one of these nodes is implemented:

Workaround for setting the DLSS-FG mode are quite simple: use command prompts instead of the node.

Just posting it here in case it helps someone.