Interface implementation not calling, but only when interface is 'added' to the BP?

Here are two cases. In the first case, a C++ class inherits from an interface:

class TEST_API AMyActorInheriting : public AActor, public IMyInterface

In the second case, an Actor Blueprint is created, and the IMyInterface is added in the Class Settings:

The interface has a single function for testing, and it has a default implementation.




	UFUNCTION(BlueprintCallable, BlueprintNativeEvent)
		void TestFunction();

	//default implementation
	void TestFunction_Implementation();


#include "MyInterface.h"

// Add default functionality here for any IMyInterface functions that are not pure virtual.

void IMyInterface::TestFunction_Implementation()
	GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 2.f, FColor::Green, TEXT("TestFunction_Implementation"));

I then try to call the interface function after spawning each one:

The BP that inherits the interface from C++ does call the default implementation.

The BP that adds the interface does NOT call the implementation.

What gives? This is a huge difference, and I’d like to know why the interface function does not call the default implementation when it is added to a Blueprint.