i would like to create a pipeline with Interchange Framework for import file and read their metadata from a csv file.
Is it possible ?
i would like to create a pipeline with Interchange Framework for import file and read their metadata from a csv file.
Is it possible ?
What type of format are you importing?
Thank you for your help.
What I’m trying to do is automate the upload of files (whatever their format) but with a CSV file that includes data for these files.
The data is for example their position in space or versions of components etc…
You have to imagine that the data comes from a PLM and that each component can be used in several assemblies and with different positions in space each time.
So I would like to be able to run a Blueprint that could read this CSV and convert it into a DataTable or other Unreal object.
Then I would like to create Unreal Assets with the data that comes from this file
I hope to be clearer
I do not think you necessarily needs the Interchange Framework to do that.
You could make an editor python script that can read your CSV and load the different files to asset and then spawn them in the scene. You can do that either without creating a datatable if you do not need to keep that information. If you want a datatable then you can create a custom structure for your datatable, import the csv file in UE as a datatable and then use the same script than describe previously reading data from the datatable instead of the csv file.
Have you considered exporting a plmxml file from your PLM software and use datasmith to import that plmxml file in UE?
Thank you for your feedback!
I wanted to go through Interchange so that it would be transparent to Unreal users.
I have seen the plmxml extension but I haven’t found much documentation and help on it and it seems to me that Datasmith does not take into account OBJ formats.
Thank you