We are looking for a programmer to work on an interactive VR project. This will be a VR only project and there will not be an onscreen final version.
Maximum project budget: $5,000
Applicant requirements:
- Willing to accept payment upon completion of the project.
- Anyone inquiring for this job is required to have an Oculus or Vive headset.
- Have experience working with VR menus and inventory systems.
- Must speak good English
- Must demonstrate some sort of portfolio as a display of competency.
General project details:
- Material swapping based on widgets
- Swapping objects through a widget based inventory
- Deleting objects from the scene
- Spawning objects through the same widget based inventory
- Warping to different parts of project based on widget
- Picking up and sitting down objects
- Interacting with objects such as doors
- A few simple option controls such as audio and quality adjustments
Applicant will not be responsible for the design of the menu system, but will be required to position and set up the widgets involved. This is not a comprehensive list of all project details. This is a generalization and applicants who meet requirements will be given the full details of the project.